WebQuest: Technology in the U.S


 You have entered the Technology in the U.S Webquest! This webquest will teach you about how technology has influenced the United States. You will look at different ways that technology has had a role in U.S society, and do some investigation yourself. Clink the first section on War and Technology above when you are ready to get started!

Your Task

Your task in the webquest will be to investigate the role of technology by looking at various resources. Along the way, you will create a variety of things that will demonstrate your growing knowledge on this topic. You will have to be attentive, think critically, analyze information, and take stances. Don't forget to stay on your toes.

Timeline (Suggested)

War and Technology section: 3 class periods
Technology and Industry section: 1 class period
Technology and Globalization section: 2 class periods
Effects of Technology on Society section: 1 class period


            In our unit Technology in the United States, geared for the 10th grade students in U.S History, we are examining the impact of technology on warfare, industry, globalization, and society over the previous two centuries. The development of technology has allowed for more destructive warfare, more productive industry, increased cultural awareness as well as the ability to continue and enhance close relationships.This content directly relates to the topics covered in class such as the Industrial Revolution and the age of the Internet, as well as other topics in history and other classes. In addition, this webquest is geared for a diverse classroom, one that includes ELLs and students with IEPs. 

            We also felt that technology was an excellent unit because it affects our students in a variety of ways. Today’s students have not known life without the internet and most have never used a landline phone. In this constantly developing and changing world is is important to understand how technology impacts our lives and how very differet our lives would be without technology. The task that students have in this webquest requires them to analyze information, create written and visual assignments on technology, and use technology itself to find out more about it. Along the way, they will have vocabulary instruction as well as activities meant to help students analyze what they read, all meant as literacy instruction for students. Even simple English Wikipedia explanations are provided for students who especially struggle with reading skills or those learning English as a second language.

            This unit gives the students a variety of tools to learn about technology. We have given the students materials to read, engaging videos to watch, and images in order to cater to a variety of learners. We have also incorporated English, Art, Sociology, and Geography into our unit, because technology is strongly related to all of these fields and more. This also relates to how strongly this webquest is related to classroom content, and how it can supplement what students have learned in school. It touches on many things discussed in U.S History class and other classes, and also takes all of this information a step farther. Also, in integrating a range of subjects the students will be more engaged in the unit because they will be able to see how the topic relates to their lives in a variety of ways.  Through this unit students will gain a greater appreciation for the ways in which technology affects their lives and its emergence into our world. 

Created by Yulia Bezriadina, Zachary Pellish, and Sara Sepkowski at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Spring 2011.